Industrial and Commercial Electric Boilers — Hot Water and Steam

Electric Boilers

Electric Boilers

Horizontal and vertical boilers/water heaters use electrical current to generate hot water and steam. All electrical energy is converted to heat. With automatic controls, each boiler is simple to operate and maintain.

Up to 188,000 lb/hr, they are clean, quiet, easy to install and compact. No combustion considerations and minimal complexity make them a good alternative where emissions regulations are a concern.

Electric Boiler Icon


Electric – LVR
Electric Boilers

• Electric vertical steam boiler
• Includes condensate return
• 12 to 563 kW
• 15, 150, 200 & 250 psig



CB Electric Boiler Model Electrode

• High-voltage steam boiler
• 4.16-25 kV – up to 188,000 lb/hr
• 100-500 psi
• No local emissions



Electric – CR
CB Electric Boiler Model CR

• Electric vertical steam boiler
• Includes condensate return
• 12 to 563 kW
• Electrical power
• 15, 150, 200 & 250 psig



Electric – S
CB Electric Boiler Model S

• Electric vertical steam boiler
• 12 to 2250 kW
• Electrical power
• 15, 150, 200 & 250 psig



Electric – WB
CB Electric Boiler Model WB

• Electric hot water boiler
• 12 to 3360 kW
• 160, 200 & 250 psig
• No localized emissions



Electric – HSB
CB Electric Boiler Model HSB

• Electric horizontal steam boiler
• 1560 to 3375 kW
• Electrical power
• 15, 150, 200 & 250 psig
• No localized emissions